Other Colors: Essays and a Story Orhan Pamuk
Other Colors: Essays and a Story Orhan Pamuk

Other Colors: Essays and a Story Orhan Pamuk

İndirim Oranı : %42 İndirim
Fiyat : ₺565,00
İndirimli : ₺325,00
Lyrı'cal and reportorial. . . . Forms a remarkably cohesive picture of a lıterary man.The Washington Post Book Worldİn the three decades that Nobci Prize--vvinning author Orhan Pamuk has devoted hfmself t o vvritîng fiction, hc has also produced scores of vvitty, moving, and provocative essays and arti-cles. İn this collection Pamuk engages the work (il Nabokov, Kundcra, Rushdie, and Vargas Llosa, among others, and he discusses his own books and vvritîng process. We also lcarn ho\v hc h'ves, as he recounts his successful struggîe to quit smoking, deseribes his relationship vvirh his daughrer, and refleces on the conrroversy hc has atrraetcd in recent ycars. Here is a thoughtful compilation of a brıllianr. novclist's besr nonfiction, offering differenr pcrspccrivcs on his lifeliong obsessions \vith loncliness, conrcnrmenı\ and the books and citics that have shaped his experience."Striking and valuable. ... A triumph." The Nevv Yorfe Review of Books"Reading these pieces one is infused with the sheer joy that exudes from each tale. . . . An autobiography in essays and tales, a book for \vriters and readers that is never less than captîvating." The Baltimore Sun
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